About Us

612 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, Canada, N5W 2Y8

Phone: 548-888-6660  Email: themysticbookshop@gmail.com

Sun - Mon: CLOSED
Tues - Fri: 12-5pm
Sat: 11am-5pm


Mary Beechie

"The Proprietor"
The tragic and too soon passing of Jody Trevail, the beloved former owner of The Mystic Bookshop for over 20 years, left a deeply felt absence in London's spiritual community. Mary, our resident Green Witch, acquired The Mystic Bookshop soon after and has been keeping the neon lit ever since.  She is proud to be the newest shopkeeper in a long line of talented proprietors, ushering The Mystic Bookshop through its third decade and beyond!
Morgan McKay-Chagnon
"The Accomplice"
Morgan is our great volunteer, and has been a practicing green/celtic witchcraft since 2019. He helps Mary with various tasks around the shop, including organizing/re-designing the displays. Morgan also provides additional photography and social media/website management, and sells his own spell jar necklaces in-store.
The Man

"The Mystic"

Who is this mysterious man?  All we know is, he has the answers.